29 January 2015

Easel card for Dad

Hi Everyone, 

Happy New Year! Yup, I know, I know - it's a bit late for that now (it's almost February, at the end of the day!), but I guess better late than never? I owe you all a huge apology for my recent silence here - but, between the Christmas break and a lot of new year-related commotions (some good and some not so good ones) - there really was not enough time for being crafty or even for blogging... I am trying to get back on track now... The days should be getting longer, so I am sure that will help! Here's to hoping I'll be back here for good now! :o) I have recently had a few commission requests, and the mojo appears to be back, so I think I can keep the positive approach for now!

Today I would like to share a card I made for my Dad - a little cutesy easel card. Kind of Valentine-like (the image by The Greeting Farm is actually from a Valentine's set!), so I thought it would be quite apt for this time of the year! I planned to keep it "male & simple" - didn't succeed too much as you can see from the pearls, lace, glitter and some involvement of Glossy Accents, but my Dad loved it - he said my cards for him were always quite plain and he enjoyed a bit of a "busy" difference this time! 

Have a peek, hope you'll like it, too! I enjoy using stamps that were designed for a particular occasion for a different purpose - who would have thought that a Valentine image will be good for Dad?! ;o)

I am entering the card into the following challenges:
Inky Impressions  - Glitter and Gloss
I Love ProMarkers - Purples and Blues
(I have Lace, Pearl & the blue/pink combo with some bling and glitter)
QKR stampede - Shaped Cards

Hope your start of the year was great - I have some catching up to do on reading your blogs, too, dear friends! I'll work on all this, promise!
